Building an art collection to die for is possible, and for this to happen, you may want to learn how to scout for artists and for art adviser like a PRO: 
To begin with, you should ask dealers and other collectors who you admire for their wisdom. Learn online what different artists and galleries are charging.
Inform yourself through the internet about what other collectors are buying. There are countless solutions to develop your taste, knowledge, and relationships in the art world. Whichever pathway is the best for you, we want to give you some precious advice on how to collect in the most professional and fruitful manner. 
  1. Find a reliable expert: Choose one or more fine art dealers you can trust. Don’t work with those who promise you an incredible result in a short period of time, or with those that talk mainly about profit, disregarding or neglecting the subjective, emotional and cultural value of the objects they advise you to buy. If they talk above profit all the time, they are most likely to see you as they see works of art: ‘it is all about money’.
  2. Inform yourself and gain specific knowledge: You may attend live and online auctions, art and museum exhibitions. We understand that the aesthetic experience of seeing art in real life is extremely important and rewarding, but do think that if you browse and experience art online, you will see a lot more in the same amount of time you would attend a couple of events in the physical world. 
  3. Gain and archive information about the art market: Monitor the sales results. The more you know about the current financial performance of leading art styles/production trends and the situation on the art market, the better your chances of buying a really good piece of art. Again, the best bibliography on this is indeed online…plenty of top specialistic reports in the worldwide web.
  4. Be critical and ask for paperwork: Even if you really like a particular piece of fine art, or if you have identified your preferred art advisors and consultants, make sure you know everything you need before actually buying. Get a certificate of authenticity whenever possible, which should state not only the name and media of the artwork together with the author’s name, but also the selling price and the date your purchase was made. If you are buying an important piece, ask the seller or your art advisor for the provenance, that is, any documentation stating who owned the artwork before you. 
  5. Be selective, buy less but better: Don’t try to buy absolutely any artwork you can afford or you find pretty to hang on your walls…particularly simply because the piece matches your home’s colour scheme or the texture of your . Whether it comes to paintings, large sculptures, or anything in between, it is always better to purchase two or three more valuable and expensive items rather than to buy more but of average quality.
  6. Pay attention to lesser-known artists and value the potential of the emerging ones:  Buying fine art pieces by well-known artists is a reliable approach. However, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid works by lesser-known ones, particularly if their CV shows that they have caught the attention of relevant private galleries and museums/art institutions. Moreover, they won’t cost you a fortune.
  7. Choose a location for your art collection: Think about where you are going to exhibit and store your art collection before to actually start building it. Don’t forget that fine art pieces may require special storage conditions and treatment, but also bear in mind that your home can be converted in a temple to art; a place in which you create an art narrative to share with family and friends, a beacon of knowledge and visual pleasure, and a legacy of your own story and place in the world. 
Consider our advice, and chances are you will build an excellent collection of fine art pieces that can be passed down through generations. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you need us, and browse in our Online Salerooms open from 25th of February 2023 at !! 

Good luck! 

We are a Metaverse Art Gallery which believes in a new future for the Art World in the Post-Digital Era. 
We push the boundaries of Contemporary Art by curating VR exhibitions with art works by exceptional talents who are socially, ethically, and politically committed to the making of a more equal, sustainable and fair World. 
Our Programme of Virtual Reality Exhibitions explores the most current and pressing matters in a globalised human hub. We are for Art Collectors interested in technology, social equality, ecology, scientific development, and alternative perspectives which improve the prospects of Planet Earth. 
In recent years, there has been a democratisation of the collecting world, and a trend against the remoteness of the ‘white cube’ and its sense of snobbism and exclusivity. We support and promote this process, as the collector’s space has expanded to a younger, more engaged and aware audience. 
For us, Art in the Metaverse, and online sales, are tools for the democratisation of visual culture and the most effective and far-reaching way to connect collectors with artists.