The role of art has always been to push the frontier of modernity into new and exciting domains. From Renaissance Masters to the Impressionists and the early 20th Century Avant-Garde, artists have created new ways of seeing the world. They have also embraced new mediums and new technologies to bring their vision to life. 
Pablo Picasso once said that “in art there is room for all possibilities.” That same spirit of creativity and exploration can be seen in the ways in which the art world is merging with tech in the era of the digital revolution. The blockchain and Web 3.0 have made of the artworld a more global and less exclusive domain. In fact, as blockchains are revolutionizing everything and the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is largely dependent on artists, art dealers and galleries are somehow losing their power and the art system is required to embrace less exclusivist and dated ways of proposing and selling artworks. 
As a result, NFTs are the future, and a way for artists to gain global exposure without massive budgets, prominent patrons or a CV packed with a long list of exhibitions at prominent galleries and sought-after museums. At the individual level as well, the internet allows artists to find their audience anywhere in the world. Moreover, the use of blockchain can provide the authentication and irrefutable tracing of NFTs, which will essentially nullify the possibility of forging digital works of art. 
So far, you have read a few words you may not have heard of, or of which you have little knowledge, such as: blockchain; Web 3.0; NFTs. Let’s discover more and understand these words. 
In a nutshell, the blockchain is a digital and online system in which the artist and the art collector don’t need to depend on a third-party institution for it to work. Blockchain enables artists and collectors operating in the digital world to own their data and protect their sovereignty. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital works of art and may be seen as any other JPG file. However, as they operate inside blockchains, and as the blockchain circuit allows a permanent and transparent public record of all NFTs, non-fungible tokens are indeed art that can be transacted in a closed circuit by sellers to buyers over and over in a long chain of recorded transactions. 
This technology empowers artists as makers, and safeguards collectors who buy digital art; moreover, it allows artists and collectors to do business without the middleman, that is, the gallery owner or the art dealer. Altogether, this is the Web 3.0, and it is one of the newest realities in the artworld.  
Nonfungible tokens will be the digital assets that help shape the Metaverse. This is a significant paradigm shift, and artists must take the lead. And what better way to lay the foundational groundwork for our future than to build a virtual house, or original art exhibitions and curate art spaces that could never exist in the physical gallery world? 
About Us 
We are a Metaverse Art Gallery which believes in a new future for the Art World in the Post-Digital Era. 
We push the boundaries of Contemporary Art by curating VR exhibitions with art works by exceptional talents who are socially, ethically, and politically committed to the making of a more equal, sustainable and fair World. 
Our Programme of Virtual Reality Exhibitions explores the most current and pressing matters in a globalised human hub. 
We are for Art Collectors interested in technology, social equality, ecology, scientific development, and alternative perspectives which 
improve the prospects of Planet Earth. 
In recent years, there has been a democratisation of the collecting world, and a trend against the remoteness of 
the ‘white cube’ and its sense of snobbism and exclusivity. We support and promote this process, as the collector’s space has expanded to a younger,more engaged and aware audience. 
For us, Art in the Metaverse, and online sales, are tools for the democratisation of visual culture and the most effective and far-reaching way to connect collectors with artists.